I lost them at “auction”

Ok, so it’s Sunday night. We just finished this week’s project, but it’s still technically Week 3. Right? Right? Whew! Our little act of giving this week was not all that involved. In fact, I don’t think it really stuck with the kids much at all. But this was our second week in a row without Daddy, and there’s only so much a single mom can do. Er, what’s that? “Real” single moms work AND do everything at home? AND still manage to give back? Sorry, I can’t hear you. Must be my dang iPhone 4. 

In keeping with my love of serendipity, I decided to do the project that fell into our laps this week. I got an email from the neighborhood Early Childhood PTA group seeking donations for a silent auction book basket. Proceeds to benefit the local elementary school. (Some 60 percent of the kids in that school are classified as “low-income,” so it’s not like we are donating to Jerry Jones’ grandkids.) So, a worthy cause – check! I immediately agreed to participate. Then I started trying to explain this one to the kids. Not as simple as “do you want to help someone stay warm?” Turns out, I lost them at “auction.” Eventually, I cut it down to “Let’s give books to some kids who don’t have books.” Not exactly correct since the basket will be auctioned off to some family that is probably literate. But they’re 2. And I’d already lost them. Until I explained that we could make a card to go with our books. Using paints.

Which was all good until…

That was way earlier in the week. We finally dropped off the books and cards today. However, important lessons were learned this week:

— Concrete concepts work better with toddlers
— Mama is tired when Daddy lives in another state
— Don’t try painting on a day with only a short car nap
— And, hey, we can make a snazzy little card!

January 24, 2011. Uncategorized.


  1. Priss Haltiner replied:

    You are an incredible Writer….and an incredible Mother…two things that make me incredibly happy. This is awesome!

  2. Pat replied:

    Love, love, love this! Can we clone you for a service project because so many kiddos don’t have such a great mommy?!?!?

  3. Alison replied:

    Your card is awesome! Great idea cutting out their “painting” and making it look clean and tidy. 🙂

    They’re getting it ALL – even when we don’t think they’re getting ANYthing. (and that’s really the scary part, but also the great part!)

    LOVE this blog.

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